What to Do If Your LTD benefits are Denied?


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LTD benefits are important when it comes to taking care of the financial needs of the disabled person and his family. If you are facing such a problem and your long-term benefits are denied, you need to take strict action and hire an attorney who can help you get your rights. He can fight for the rights that you are entitled to receive. He understands that conditions that qualify for LTD help a person live a life in a dignified manner. If a person does not get these benefits, he will face a lot of adverse effects.

Hiring an attorney immediately

It is never too late to hire an attorney and when you feel that things are not going, as they should, you must hire an attorney. He knows the rules and laws more than you do. In most cases, he will give you a free consultation and evaluate the case. It is also a good idea to speak with him over the phone and explain your situation.

It has been observed that people hire an attorney when their application for getting LTD benefits is denied. However, hiring him in the first place can save you from a lot of hassles. Some of the mistakes that you might make at the time of submitting an application are elaborated below:

  • Filing for the claims after quitting the job- In the LTD policies, it is stated that the coverage ends when an employee quits his job. The employment relationship is terminated.
  • Shifting to a less strenuous and low-paying job- If you agree to work at a low-paying job or take up a job that does not require you to put in much effort, you will be making your case harder to win.
  • Making mistakes at the time of filling up the form- The insurance companies design their forms in such a manner and include several tricky questions so that the application can easily be declined and the disabled person is denied any benefit. An attorney can guide you on how to answer these questions and avoid any mistakes.

If you have already applied and been denied the benefits, you can still hire an attorney. He can fight for your rights and benefits in the most efficient manner.  There are some timelines before filing for a lawsuit. That’s why it is strongly recommended to contact a qualified and skilled lawyer as soon as possible.