Actor Mark Hauser Offers Tips to Younger Entrepreneurs


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Mark Hauser began working as an on-screen and voice actor in 1996. Now a resident of Montreal with a quarter-century of experience in the entertainment industry, the successful actor Mark Hauser recently offered several tips to younger actors, actresses, and other entrepreneurs.

Learn to Roll with the Punches

Planning is important for any entrepreneur, no matter what type of business they have chosen to pursue. Mark Hauser gives the example of preparing to meet with new clients by creating a detailed marketing plan and business strategy only to have the meeting turn out nothing as he planned. The people he intended to meet with might have been late or had a forceful personality and ideas of their own.

Hauser says that he has learned the most from these types of situations because they cause him to think on his feet. Although he understands the frustration of having a planned meeting derail, he encourages younger people to stick around to see if a better opportunity comes up than the one they had planned. He also advises them to let go of what they thought the opportunity would look like and embrace the reality of what it became instead.

How Mark Hauser Has Learned from Failure

Several years ago, Mark Hauser auditioned for an on-screen part that he knew was not a good fit for his talent and experience. However, he ignored his intuition and accepted the role anyway. He eventually had to give up the role when the director said that he did not come off as believable or authentic in that particular character’s role.

Rather than feel devastated about the director letting him go or embarrassed about auditioning for the role in the first place, Mark Hauser allowed himself to learn from it. That experience taught him to never ignore the small voice within that warns him when certain roles or clients are not a good fit for him.

Mark Hauser’s Favorite Strategy for Learning His Lines

Hauser is a firm believer in the Pomodoro Technique when studying lines for a new acting gig. The software program divides each 30-minute segment into 25 minutes of work time and five minutes to do something unrelated to work. A timer goes off to remind him to take two five-minute breaks every hour.

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Mark Hauser loves this technology as an actor because it forces him to focus his energy and concentration on the task at hand without allowing for procrastination. Taking five minutes off every 30 minutes gives both his mind and body a chance to relax. He does not feel overwhelmed with new information, and he feels that this technique makes it easier for him to memorize lines because he is not suffering from cognitive fatigue. As a big fan of Henry Ford, Hauser incorporates one of his most famous quotes into his everyday life. “Whether you think you can or think you cannot, you are right.” Ford’s quote goes a long way towards reminding him that his attitude is the biggest determining factor in whether he ultimately succeeds or fails.