Exploring the Different Kinds of Domestic Abuse in Sandy


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A lot of people think of domestic abuse as physical abuse and assault. But domestic abuse may not involve physical injuries. Also, some kinds of abuse can persist even following a divorce. If domestic abuse is a factor in your divorce, you should think about how your spouse’s abusive behavior can impact you and your children. To increase your chances of winning your case, you should have a Sandy domestic violence lawyer on your side. 

Long-Term Impacts of Domestic Abuse

Any kind of abuse can seriously injure the morale and self-esteem of an abused person. Plus, the victim may have to sustain physical injuries from beating and hitting. A lot of couples get in touch with a divorce attorney and file for divorce to stop the abuse. Unfortunately, even kids can suffer from the effects of abuse even if they are not the direct target. 

Kids who have to watch one parent being abused by the other may suffer trauma. Because of this, they could experience mental health problems later in life.

Kinds of Domestic Abuse

Often, the abusive spouse is not always abusive. Also, they may not inflict all kinds of abuse. And if they constantly apologize for their behaviors and promise to do better, the abused spouse may prefer to stick with them. Unfortunately, such promises are often short-lived and the abuse continues. The following are different kinds of abuses a spouse can be subjected to in their home:

  • Physical abuse. This well-known kind of domestic abuse often results in the abused spouse ending their marriage. This can include beating, hitting, punching, slapping, and pushing. An overly abusive spouse may strangle or choke their victim.
  • Controlling abuse. In this kind of domestic abuse, a spouse tries to control the friends, finances, relationships, behavior, and activities of the other spouse. An abusive relationship involves a spouse controlling their partner, usually with anger, harsh criticism, or threats. Also, a controlling spouse may want to isolate their spouse from friends, family members, or support networks.
  • Emotional abuse. Verbal violence such as harsh insults and threats is a form of emotional abuse. An abusive spouse can display guilt and manipulative behaviors to harm their abused spouse and compel them to comply with their wishes. A spouse who is emotionally abusive may threaten the abused spouse to leave or withhold affection, so they can punish their partner. Sometimes, repeated infidelity may occur.